We are ALL ABOUT automatic swimming pool safety COVERS


Evaporation is by far the largest source of energy loss for a swimming pool.
When compared to evaporation, all other losses are small.

On outdoor pools 70% of heat loss is due to evaporation. Another 20% simply radiates off the surface of the pool with the remaining 10% being loss through conduction/convection by transferring through the surrounding pool surfaces into the ground.

On indoor pools 70% of heat loss is due to evaporation. Another 25% is due to the ventilation in the enclosure with the remaining 5% being loss through conduction/convection by transferring through the surrounding pool surfaces into the ground.  

The Red Cross recommends 78o for optimal water temperature, but just to bump the temperature up to 82o will result in an energy consumption increase of more than 40% in an uncovered pool. Without using a heater on a swimming pool, a cover can increase the temperature of the swimming pool water by 6 to 10 degrees by acting as a passive solar collector. 

By covering a swimming pool when not in use you can assume approximately a 70% savings which includes but is not limited to the following:
  • Reduces the amount of gas or electricity required to heat the pool
  • Reduces the amount of make-up water needed in the pool
  • Reduces the amount of electricity required to run the filtering system
  • Reduces the amount of chemicals used to sanitize and maintain the pool
  • Reduces the amount of service work on motors and equipment
  • Reduces the frequency at which liners and plastering need to be replaced
  • Reduces the use of dehumidifiers on indoor pools
 Heating the Pool:
  • You can assume a 90% reduction in heat loss with the automatic pool cover in place.
  • It only takes 1 BTU to raise 1 lb. of water 1o, but everytime one pound of 80o water evaporates, it takes 1048 BTU's out of the pool.
  • The evaporation rate depends on varying degrees of air, heat, shade and wind; as well as water temperature. For example, the higher the pool temperature and wind speed, and lower the humidity, the greater the rate of evaporation
  • A 7 mph wind at the surface of the pool can increase energy consumption by 300%.
  • In dry and/or windy conditions the evaporation rate increases. In warm/humid conditions the rate decreases. Using a cover can keep these factors in check.
  • A pool cover holds in heat by insulating the water surface. This means your heater gets to run less to maintain temperature.

Water Usage:

  • A 16ft. by 32ft. swimming pool can lose 180 gallons of water a week if uncovered if no make-up water was added.
  • A pool cover can decrease the amount of make-up water needed by 30% to 50%.
  • Decrease in evaporation means lower water bills.
  • In some sunny states, a pool can lose its entire volume of water within a year from evaporation. Of course, this is if it never rained and you never added make-up water to the pool.
  • Since the pool cover keeps dirt and debris out of the pool, the filtering system doesn't need to operate as long.
  • Less vacuuming time.
  • Cut back on pool cleaning routine.
  • By using a cover you can reduce chemical consumption by 35% to 60%
  • One gallon of chlorine can evaporate in two hours without using a cover, but may last for up to several weeks with a cover.
  • Reduce algae growth by reducing the process of photosynthesis.
Equipment Maintenance:
  • The decreased time filters, pumps and heaters have to operate, decreases the amount of energy required as well as the amount of servicing the related parts require.
  • The UV (ultra-violet) rays from the sun are the main culprit in the degradation of pool finishes, whether that is plaster, vinyl liners or fiberglass.
  • A cover blocks helps block out UV rays, prolonging the life of the pool finishes.  
Indoor Pools:
  • With a cover in place, dehumidifiers need to run less on indoor pool rooms cutting energy and maintenance costs.
  • Eliminates condensation on indoor surfaces while the cover is in place.