Continued regular maintenance and service are the only ways to keep your automatic pool cover in top operating condition, increasing the life expectancy of the cover fabric and drive mechanism. Too
often, pool cover owners don't call for service until it is beyond the
regular maintenance point at which time the costs of repairs can double
or even triple.
Automatic swimming pool safety covers are pieces of machinery and as such have parts that will wear as the covers are operated. Your pool cover is a considerable investment and should be treated as such.
At All About Covers, we provide yearly cleanings and service as well as routine preventive maintenance on all manufactured brands of automatic pool covers. We will give your pool cover the care and attention that it requires and deserves so that you can continue to have many more years of a safe, clean and energy efficient pool.
Use the Contact Us form to keep your automatic cover in top operating condition.
If you use your pool cover on a regular basis, you will need service every two years on average.
This service includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Clean debris from cover housing
- Check and clean housing drains
- Clean entire lengths of tracks
- Spray down drive mechanism to remove surface residue
- Check ropes for abrasions or any irregularity
- Check all mounting screws and hardware on mechanism
- Check track splices and mounting
- Check pulleys for smooth operation
- Check sliders and guides for wear
- Grease any lubrication points
- Adjust ropes, torque, pressure and/or brakes
- Clean cover fabric
- Replacement of worn parts i.e.; sliders, guides, ropes, pulleys
- Check for proper grounding of mechanism
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